When you are called, do you answer?
The old man has done his part, now it is up to everyone else.
Goodness me I am happy with how this one turned out. This is what I want from my worldbuilding pieces. A story that makes you want to know more. A story that gives you an established world, a sense of history. But a story that makes you wonder what all of it means together.
Ill let you know this straight up, I do not have a continuation to this particular story. I have another Creeds piece, but its a separate event, some generations prior to this one. I’ll end up calling that one Creeds: Something Else. I don’t know yet, I need to sit down and work on it a bit.
But this one cries for a continuation.1 Stay tuned to the Daily section, Ill have a draft, or some kind of concept there at some point. Maybe I already have, I have forgotten most of what I wrote in November already.
Back to Creeds. Each of the individuals in the story work so well as icons for their respective banners. Prayer assumes, on faith, that everyone will find their way. Ritual wants the appropriate events to play out properly before he makes whatever pronouncements hes going to make. Magic is curious, just straight up trying to gather information.
But their characters are so indicative of who they are beyond their creeds; Magic has clearly been through hell and back. She has suffered for her craft and has come out the other side with a confidence and a superiority befitting someone of her role. Prayer is laid back, very let the chips fall where they may. There is no ceremony here, in all other respects he is just a normal guy. You dont need the flash when you have faith. Ritual, dressed up and ready. The first to arrive and the one who takes this seriously. Even more seriously than the old man.
Which brings me to the old man, the representative of Death. Old, decrepit and on his way out. Having to wait for the youth (relatively speaking) to catch up to him. Unafraid of his opinions, but ready to respect that which comes next. He represents everyone, at some point. But he has been wronged, twice. He has been kept waiting when the stakes are high. And there is whatever has caused him insult from the banner of Ritual.
Each of these people deserve a piece of their own, and perhaps they will get it. But for now, like they do, you all have to wait to learn what that bright light is in the sky.
This was originally written on the 5th of February, 2023.
Not a sequel, since the story here isnt finished yet.